掛川ESS (KESS Kakegawa English Speaking Society
掛川 英語 英会話 サークル 


    What's up this week ?


Fully bloomed cherry blossoms!  March 27th 2021
 We have been having lessons at "Tamarina" after Corona pandemic.
 All the cherry blossoms planted at both sides of access road to there, are fully bloomed now and it's so beautiful!

 Photo by Mr. Hirao


Oyaji Gyagu in Japan, Hahaha!  January 23rd 2021
 We leaned "Humore in Dark Times" this week, because laughter helps the brain relax.
 Following samples are the quotaition from the Gaijin Pot Blog about “dad jokes” they’re called “oyaji gyagu”.

 Simply by changing where the pause goes in this sentence, you get a whole new, raunchy meaning out of it.
  @ パン、作った。(pan, tsukutta) : I made bread.
  A パンツ、食った。(pantsu, kutta) : I ate underpants.
  @ ブラシ、忘れた。(burashi, wasureta) : I forgot my brush.
  A ブラ、し忘れた。(bura, shiwasureta) : I forgot to put on a bra.
 Sorry for a bit vulgar words! f(^_^)

 You can see more detail and examples from following URL!.


 Introduced by Mr. James

Is there anything worng? Hahaha!  August 2nd 2020

 We leaned a word "creepy" and this word is used at a crepe shop in Kakegawa City.
 I feel strange because "creepy" means something not so good.
 How should I interpret it?

 Reported by Mr. Hirao

Interesting Photo ! : Have you ever seen a flower of "Shungiku" ?  April 23rd 2020
 I have grown shungiku before in the past but this is the first year that I have waited for their flowers to bloom.
 Maybe eating foods like this can help our immune systems fight COVID-19.
 Shungiku has been very easy to grow for me and every year's harvest has been bountiful.
 FYI, Daiso in Kakegawa across from the K's Denki sells shungiku seed packs 2 for \100.

 Easy to grow, interesting and nutritious, shungiku adds variety
 and unusual flavours to your food.
 It comes originally from the Mediterranean, parts of Europe and northern Asia,
 but is now widely grown and naturalised in the cooler highland tropical regions of
 South-East Asia, China and Japan.
 Botanically it used to be called Chrysanthemum coronarium
 but is now Glebionis coronaria.

 Reported by Mr. James  (Our English Teacher)

Funny Stories / March 8th 2020
  "金の成る木? "  Reported by Hirao san.
 Lisa: I thought you said money didn't grow on trees.
 Teacher: That's right - it doesn't.
 Lisa: So how come banks always have lots of branches?

  "アメリカンジョークで英語を学ぼう " : 出典 DMM英会話blog URL= https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/blog/39080/
  "リンカーンの年には・・・ "
 Father: "When Abe Lincoln was your age, he was studying books by the light of the fireplace."
 His son: "When Lincoln was your age, he was President."

  "指がスープに・・・ "
 Customer: "Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it."
 Waitress: "Oh, that's okay. The soup isn't hot."

 More funny stories ! : センスを感じるアメリカンジョーク10選! URL= https://eigo-box.jp/others/jokes/

Introducing two English YouTube programs. Get used to your ears !
 Are you happy to have the night time on your overseas business trips or travels ?
 Watching TV news would be boring with the same thing repeated.
 Here are two YouTubes that are perfect for such situations.
 Both are easy to hear with beautiful voice, so you can listen to native English without going abroad !

 (1) "Ask Japanese" is an English-language interview with foreign visitors
   who are visiting Japan about the differences between Japan and their
   home country.
    Link to YouTube

 (2) "Micaela" is a YouTuber from Canada who lives in Fukuoka and introduces
   various places in Japan in English.

    Link to YouTube

 Let's subscribe and get used to it !!   Introduced by Matt on March 2nd.

KESS Autumn BBQ Party on November 23rd 2019
 We held another BBQ party at Suzuki san's house.
 Preparation completed. Let's start eating BBQ ! We could enjoy a lot!

Business Trip to Sydney Australia on September 2019
  I got a chance to visit Sydney Australia on my buisiness trip and also had a chance to have dinner with my company forlks at night.
 Opera House, Harber Bridge and some area had been lighted and those were very nice ! Opera House also had a projection matching show
 periodically in the night, so we could enjoy not only the dinner but also could enjoy the night view !
 Here, central Sydney is really recommendable area, especially at night.    Reported by Matt

Information of KESS BBQ Party on March 30th 2019
  We could enjoy BBQ Party as we planned.
  Fourtunately, rain had started just after we finished the BBQ !


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